Proms and Graduation Celebrations Highlight the Dangers of Teens Drinking and Driving
With prom and graduation celebrations around the corner, now is the time to talk to and take action with teens about the dangers of drinking and driving.
These celebrations invariably involve drinking, increasing dramatically the likelihood of teen drivers behind the wheel. Adding fuel to the fire is the growing group of students with concerns about their next steps and their future in today's economy.
The combination of this transitional period in their lives along with the celebration of what they've accomplished likely will leave many teens in a careless mood and potentially in harms way. So what's a parent to do to navigate this slippery slope of a topic with their teen? Employ a two-step approach to prevent accidental death.
The first step is to use support materials followed by a "straight talk" discussion so the seeds are firmly planted in the teen's mind before tragedy strikes.
There are a few good films on the subject of teen drinking and many high schools stage a simulated accident around prom night to drive home the potentially horrific consequences to drinking and driving to their students. Parents should contact their school to find out what their child's school is doing, if anything on the subject.
If nothing, there are organizations parents can contact for support materials to show their teen, like MADD or SADD.
Parents can also form together with parents of their children's friends to put into place a plan to ensure none of the kids will be drinking and driving on prom or graduation night.
Parents can offer to car pool the kids to the events, hire a driver, chip in for a limo or cab or put into place another plan for transportation on these key nights.
Remember, teens feel invincible and very possibly will find themselves in a situation where either they will want to drive or their friends will, while drinking.
Head it off now but discussing it and putting a plan into place so they likely won't be in that situation.
Review contingencies like, for example if a friend that is drinking just wants to jump in the car for a quick trip to the store for more beer or cigarettes and what their teen should do in that situation.
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